When Liz first landed a coveted permanent teaching role on the NSW Central Coast straight out of University, Simon described it as ‘like winning the lottery’—with beaches, hikes, prime scuba diving and adventure, the Central Coast seemed like the place to be.

And for years we loved every minute of it … until the lure of snowboarding captured our imagination.

A promotion in Simon’s construction career made the move to Canberra a no-brainer, this time to be close to the snow. And the kids were right on board (literally – Harrison got his first snowboard when he was only 2!).

But even with ski slopes, adventure playgrounds and spectacular hiking and camping on our doorstep, we were still frustrated with living our ‘real life’ only on weekends. Five days of grind for every two days of fun wasn’t cutting it.

We needed a bigger solution. That’s how the Lifestyle Pioneers was born.

Our initial idea was to spend our savings on a big adventure. But that’s not sustainable. It’s just a large-scale version of working all week and having fun on the weekends. We wanted The Lifestyle Pioneers to be more than that: an enduring shift in attitude and finances that would let us live the life we want indefinitely.

As we worked to build the skills (and courage!) to make the change, we realised something else: lots of other people need this too. Loads of people are just moving through life. Not exactly unhappy, but also not doing what they love.

The Lifestyle Pioneers is about inspiring, educating and equipping people to explore life, supporting them and providing everything they need to help make it a practical reality.

We now live full-time in a caravan, journeying across Australia with our two young sons, and we've never felt more balanced. Granted, not every day is rainbows, but we live according to our own rules. When we think of the future, the one certainty is that we have the skills and confidence to embrace any adventure that piques our interest. Never again will we feel trapped by the mentality that we must adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule or carry a mortgage if we don't wish to. We hope to inspire the same sense of freedom in you!