Here, we present a selection of products and services we know, use, and trust. If we wouldn’t recommend them to our friends and family, we won’t recommend them to you!

We've conveniently categorized them below for your ease of exploration. We want to ensure you’re equipped for whatever adventure lies ahead and save you time, money and some heartache.


Camping, 4WD and Outdoors

Here you’ll find the reliable and tested products we use for our outdoor adventures. These include camping gear, 4WD equipment, and other outdoor essentials. If you’re into anything outdoors, this section is for you.

Caravan and RV

This section highlights various trusted and proven products used in our caravan travels. These are our go-to resources that enhance our mobile living experience, from appliances to essential maintenance items.


Our "Lifestyle" section provides a glimpse into the products and services we use daily. When you live in a caravan full-time we carry as little as possible but we choose that little with care.


“We often compare the travel, camping, and overlanding scene to planning a wedding or expecting a first baby in terms of how it's marketed. It can often feel like a long list of 'must-haves', when a few basic items can suffice, especially when you're just starting. The Lifestyle Pioneers is all about simplicity while maintaining comfort and affordability. Over the years, we've learned that buying cheap doesn't always mean spending less. This doesn't imply you need the best of everything, but sometimes it's better to 'buy once, cry once'. Quality products usually perform better and last significantly longer. We only recommend products, services, and resources we know, use, and trust. We aim to equip you for whatever adventure lies ahead, saving you time, money, and potentially heartache.”

Simon & Liz - The Lifestyle Pioneers

TOP 18 Things We'd Buy AGAIN!

Here it is! Our favourite travel items we wouldn't leave home without! What things would we buy again, and why would we love them?

Watch this video if you're wondering what gear you'll actually use or want some inspiration for that difficult-to-buy-for-person!

Building The ULTIMATE Tow Tourer

Over the past few weeks, we've been building our Ultimate Tow Tourer - A Landcruiser 76 Series. AND.... it's finally registered!


Join us on this incredible journey as The Lifestyle Pioneers, where we strive to inspire, educate, and equip fellow explorers. As a family of four, we're pursuing a life of adventure and sharing all our experiences with our vibrant community.